Experiments with DRQ and RND

Goal was to train agent on Full Rotate track, on pure image, without any vector features. In order to did that we try to increase exploration with help of RND. That failed.

Also we try DRQ. This was mush more better then RND or pure algorithms. But car didn’t rotate.

As environment extension was added:

How to launch

Almost all agents and CarIntersect Env configs can be launched in Docker.

Pre requirements

  1. If you haven’t docker on you machine, set up it.
  2. Create file WANDB_API_KEY.txt with you wandb api key as a pure string. Actually, if you don’t want to log info to wandb you can ignore it, or create file with fake key. But fails of logging can brake training process.

Create Docker image

For everything run in terminal (except openai rnd): ./make_car-racing_docker.sh

For OpenAI RND run (cause them use old version of tf): ./make_car-racing_docker_tf1X.sh

Run RND experiments

Not OpenAI: ./run_rnd_exp.sh <arg1 - device> <arg2 - wandb name>

OpenAI RND: ./run_oprn-ai_rnd.sh <arg1 - device> <arg2 - wandb name>

where device is cpu or cuda:<number of card>, wandb name is name of experiment displayed in wandb

Run DRQ experiments

./run_drq_exp.sh <arg1 - device> <arg2 - wandb name>

where device is cpu or cuda:<number of card>, wandb name is name of experiment displayed in wandb

Run pure agent

No drq, no rnd, no icm. As RL algorithm any: PPO, Rainbow, TD3, SAC (old version may be incompatible)

To launch:

  1. create python environment (requirements in file requirements.txt) or use docker image car-racing
  2. python experiment_entrypoint.py <args...>

where <args...> list see in experiment_entrypoint.py itself. Some important: